Fresh Start Skincare & Laser

Scroll down to find the treatment resource you are looking for:

Tattoo Removal, Spider Veins, Micro-Needling, Laser Hair Removal, Laser Brown Spot Removal, Dermaplaning/HydraFacial, Hyaluron Pen Filler.

Tattoo Removal Aftercare Instructions

The tattoo removal laser treatment may create a superficial burn wound. Some clients may experience bruising or swelling. There is immediate whitening of the treated area, which usually lasts for several minutes. Many clients then develop blisters, crusts, or scabs within 12-72 hours, which may last for 1-2 weeks or more. The treated areas may be pink or pale after the scab separates. Loss of skin pigment in the treated area is common, and is usually temporary. Healing is usually complete by 6-8 weeks.

  1. Keep the treated area clean and dry while it is healing. Clean the area gently with soap and water and then gently pat the area dry. You may apply a thin coating of antibiotic ointment or arnica up to three times a day while the area is healing if you keep the area covered with a sterile dressing.

  1. Apply cool compresses as necessary for 24 hours after the laser treatment to help reduce discomfort and inflammation. You may take plain Tylenol, but avoid aspirin (it can increase the risk of bruising and/or bleeding.)

  1. Do not pick at the scab or allow the skin to become scraped, as this may result in infection and scarring. Shaving should be avoided in the treated area until it is completely healed.

  1. Do not wear makeup or any cream or medication unless recommended by our office for 48 hours.

  1. Wear a sunblock with an SPF of 35 or higher over the area for 1 months following the treatment.

  1. If you experience an unusual discomfort or bleeding, if any other complications develop, or if you have any questions or concerns, contact the office immediately. Of course, if you have any extreme reaction (such as moderate to severe facial swelling, moderate to severe rash, any difficulty breathing, or you are in any distress: or if the area looks infected (oozing or spreading redness) call 911 and go to the emergencydepartment.

Spider Vein, Telangiectasia or Cherry Angiomas Aftercare Instructions


Immediately after: Treated skin will appear red and may be slightly swollen; this may last 12-24 hours. The severity will depend upon how aggressive the treatment was performed.

Day 2:  A red or pink hue may persist; swelling may be more noticeable on the second day. Complete healing could take 7-10 days for facial veins and 30-90 days for leg veins -depending on skin’s condition and the intensity of the treatment received.


Apply Aloe Vera and/or moisturizer products to the treatment area. Treatment areas will scab, avoid scratching. It is NOT recommended that make up be applied for the first 4 hours. Mineral makeup is best.  Do not apply any make-up with a make-up brush, especially if it is not clean. After 2-5 days patients can return to regular skin care products or as soon as it is comfortable to do so.  

Do not apply chemical sunscreen the same day as treatment. Undesirable chemicals can penetrate if used and may cause acne or inflation. 48-72 hours after the procedure you may return to applying a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF30. 


You are on your way to a new you! 

Micro-Needling / Collagen Induction Therapy Aftercare Instructions


Immediately after: Treated skin will appear red and may be slightly swollen, this may last 12-24 hours. The severity will depend upon how aggressive the treatment was performed.

Day 2: A red or pink hue may persist like a moderate sunburn. Swelling may be more noticeable on the second day.

Day 3: Skin can be pink or normal color. Swelling subsides.



Wash the face thoroughly a few hours after treatment. Gently massage the face with tepid water and remove all serum and other debris such as dried blood. This will improve the appearance of the skin.  Always make sure your hands are clean when touching the treated area.


It is Not recommended that make up be applied for the first 12 hours. Mineral makeup may be applied the following day, 12-24 hours after the procedure. Do not apply any make-up with a make-up brush, especially if it is not clean.

For the first 1-3 days the skin will be very dry and feel tight. Hyaluronic Acid is an ideal ingredient to hydrate and restore the skin back to perfect balance.

After 2-3, days patients can return to regular skin care products or as soon as it is comfortable to do so. Vitamin A and collagen stimulating peptide products are optimal and suggested.

Do not apply chemical sunscreen the same day as treatment. Undesirable chemicals can penetrate if used and may cause acne or inflation. 48-72 hours after the procedure you may return to applying a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF30.

Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 10 days if possible.

Avoid alcohol-based toners for 10-14 days.


You are on your way to a new you!

Laser Hair Removal – After Care Instructions

You may experience a bit of temporary redness and swelling and sensitivity in the treated area. This may last from 20 minutes to a few hours, before the skin returns to normal.

Temporary folliculitis (chicken skin/goosebumps) can appear and is considered a positive reaction. Folliculitis appears when the hair follicles have swelled from the heat of the laser being trapped inside the follicle, and it should subside within 48 hours.

Blisters and crusting are extremely rare and are more commonly seen in darker skinned individuals.

If you do have any other reaction or your reaction lasts longer than a day, make sure to contact your laser hair removal clinician immediately so that they can help you as needed.

Immediately following treatment, cold compresses can be applied to the skin surface

Emollients and/or topical corticosteroid creams can be used to keep areas moist and reduce redness and swelling.

Blisters and crusting are treated with antibiotic ointment and daily soaks.

You should avoid the sun for approximately 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after each session to prevent pigmentary changes. Lasers are attracted to pigmentation. If skin is well tanned, there is an increased risk of skin blotchiness and hypopigmentation. Avoid irritating the treated area. This includes shaving, waxing, plucking, and bleaching. Keep the area clean to avoid infections


It is important to exfoliate the surface of the skin 1 week after the treatment. As the body begins to push out the dead hair follicle, it will look like the hair is still growing. The process is called purging or shedding. You may wipe way these hairs with a damp cloth or loofah once the sensitivity has subsided. Depending on the area treated, follow up session are spaced 4 to 12 weeks apart. Hair removal typically will take 4-6 treatments sessions or more to reach desired clearance.

Aftercare Instructions Brown Spot (Dermal Lesion) Removal

  • Immediately afterward the treated area may feel like a sunburn for a few hours.
  • For the first 24 hours treat your skin gently. When bathing use lukewarm soap water and then gently pat the area dry – do not rub. Do not use abrasive cleansing products or exfoliates as skin may be sensitive.
  • No heat, such as saunas, steam rooms, Jacuzzis, extremely hot showers, or strenuous activities for a minimum of 24 hours post treatment.
  • If needed apply a cool compress after the laser treatment to help reduce inflammation and discomfort. You may take plain Tylenol but avoid aspirin (it can increase the risk of bruising and/or bleeding.)
  • Do not tan area. Avoid sun exposure to avoid hypopigmentation.
  • Apply a sun block with an SPF of 30+ over the area following the treatment, even if it is covered by clothing. Sun will travel through clothing.
  • If the area looks infected, if you experience an unusual amount of discomfort or bleeding, if any other complications develop, or if you have any questions or concerns, contact the office immediately. Of course, if you have any extreme reaction (such as severe facial swelling, severe rash, any difficulty breathing, or you are in any distress) call your primary care physician or 911 or go to the emergency department of the nearest hospital. 
  • Response to treatment varies from individual to individual. It may take a few treatments before you see your desired results.
  • Be patient with your process and be encouraged!

Additional Information:

Over the course of 2 to 6 weeks, the dark spot will darken and slough off. The healthy new skin underneath may be pink for a few weeks, but this will return to normal.  50% of brown spots can be removed in 1 session, though many clients require 2-5 treatments. Common brown spots usually do not return.  Some may return due to continued sunlight exposure and inherited factors, but treatments can be repeated.

You are on your way to a new you!

Aftercare Instructions Dermaplaning & Hydra-Dermabrasion


Immediately post procedure you may be red. A slight rosy glow, much like sunburn, may appear for approximately 24-48 hours. Your skin will feel “wind-burned” and will also be more vulnerable.

The risk of getting sunburned following a treatment increases dramatically.


  • You may resume your daily activities or return to work immediately. You should refrain from wearing make-up for up to 12 hours. Old cosmetics and dirty brushes may increase the likelihood of infection.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure. All tanning and tanning beds must be avoided. Sunscreen will be applied to your skin before you leave. You must protect your skin every day with a full spectrum sunscreen that protects both UVA and UVB with an SPF of 20 or higher. We recommend you use a sunscreen containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide to provide you with full spectrum protection.
  • For the first 24-48 hours, use a mild cleanser, hydrating moisturizer, eye cream, and sunscreen. If you are treating hyperpigmentation, the use of lightening products is strongly recommended.
  • Do not use glycolic, alpha hydroxy, beta hydroxy, retinol, benzoyl peroxide or topical acne medications for 24-48 hours following treatment. You may resume products after this period or as instructed by your technician.
  • You may resume prescription retinoid products (Retin A, Renova, Tretinoin, Avita, Alustra or other brands of Tretinoin) and other prescription retinoid products (Adapalene, Avage, Differin, Tazorac, Tazarotene) 1-2 days after treatment, or as instructed by your technician. If you are receiving a series of treatments, do not resume any of these products until after you have completed your last hydroderm / microderm treatment.
  • Refrain from waxing, electrolysis or other hair removal methods for thirty (30) days. Upon resumption, please notify your technician that you recently had a microdermabrasion.
  • Refrain from Botox, collagen or other tissue filler injections for seven days following a hydro-dermabrasion / microdermabrasion treatment.
  • Avoid exercise for at least a few hours after procedure. Drink additional water. Cold compresses can provide relief from the “wind-burned” feeling.

Aftercare Instructions - Hyaluron-Pen Filler


The healing process can be divided into 3 stages. During the next 2-4 weeks after the procedure, you will experience all these phases.

1) Healing of the irritation on the surface layers of the skin

2) Changes in the shape and thickness of skin

3) Achieving of the stable new state.


The skin on and around the treatment area can become sensitive, especially during the first 24 hours post-procedure. Wash your face very gently avoiding heavy pressure on the treatment area. Do not scratch your skin.


Immediately after the treatment redness, bruising, swelling, tenderness, and/or itching near the treatment sit is normal. This is completely normal and generally disappears within a few hours to a few days. If these symptoms last more than 3 days, please contact your Hyaluron Pen treatment clinician. Avoid itching, massaging, poking, or picking around the insertion spots. You may take acetaminophen (Tylenol or similar) to reduce discomfort, as necessary. Arnica, heparin ointment or Traummel are commonly used to reduce bruising (3-4 times a day). If there is a visible bump, you can massage the area. Depending on the areas treated and the product used, you may feel “firmness”. These areas will soften and normalize with time (usually 1-2 weeks).


Avoid harsh chemicals and heavy lotions for 1-3 days after the procedure. Skin may be irritated and more sensitive. Be kind to your skin and allow time to heal normally Avoid chlorine, heavy retinal and other chemicals may have a negative effect on your skin. Getting too much sun can have a negative effect on your skin moisture. Wearing sunscreen is critical to maintaining the look and health of your skin.


For two days after the procedure, we suggest you avoid any sort of physical activities that result in heavy sweating, including: saunas/hot tubs, swimming, intensive workout, hot showers, sunbathing, tanning, or hot wax. Also, avoid extreme colds such as skiing or other winter sports.


It is recommended to postpone receiving any medical, Med spa or spa treatments to or around the treated area for 2-weeks. It is important to let the hyaluronic filler settle. This allows treatment results not to be manipulated by any other procedure. Always inform your practitioner of any procedures including the Hyaluron Pen non-permanent filler treatment.


In the beginning, the treatment area sometimes looks a bit asymmetric, it can change significantly during the few weeks after the procedure. You should also experience normal swelling at the treatment site. Keep in mind that the final result can only be evaluated after 2-4 weeks and a touch up procedure has been performed.

Results will vary from client to client. A course of 2-3 treatments is typically recommended. (Maximum of 5, depending on treatment)

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