Fresh Start Skincare & Laser

Laser or IPL? What’s the Difference?

They have some similarities, but the IPL and BBL are not lasers. The intense pulse light and broadband light machines both require a conductive gel for the light to penetrate the skin. Results are often inconsistent. Lasers are stronger and go deeper into the skin, producing better long-term results. Independent studies have found that patients preferred laser rejuvenation over IPL/BBL due to superior vessel clearance, less pain, and fewer treatments required.

The acronym ‘LASER’ stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. A laser works by emitting a wavelength of high energy light, which when focused on a certain skin condition creates heat and destroys diseased cells. Wavelength is measured in nanometres (nm).

Various kinds of lasers are available; they are differentiated by the medium that produces the laser beam. Each of the different types of lasers has a specific range of utility, depending on its wavelength and penetration.

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