Fresh Start Skincare & Laser

Layer Like a Pro: Your Ultimate Guide to Moisturizing for Winter Skin Perfection

Title: “Mastering the Art of Layering Moisturizers for Perfectly Hydrated Winter Skin (Because Your Skin Deserves It!)”

When winter rolls around, your skincare routine should focus on keeping your skin as moisturized as possible to ward off the dreaded dryness. If your current moisturizer isn’t cutting it anymore, don’t panic—you’re not alone. In fact, it’s totally normal for your skin’s needs to change with the seasons, and it’s likely that one single moisturizer just won’t do the trick in the colder months.

But before you rush out and buy yet another expensive moisturizer, take a look at what’s already in your skincare cabinet. According to board-certified dermatologist Michael Green, rotating between three to four moisturizers can be key, as your skin’s needs change from day to day. And honestly, I couldn’t agree more.

If your skin tends to be on the drier side, you’ve probably realized that slathering on just one moisturizer might not give you the relief you’re after. I, for one, like to keep a variety of moisturizers for different weather conditions. On more humid days, a lightweight lotion does the job, but when the cold winter air hits, my skin craves a richer, thicker cream. And when winter is at its harshest, I go all in—layering a hydrating serum, a nourishing lotion, and a thick moisturizer to lock in all that hydration.

Pro tip: Start with a product that contains hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid or squalane. Let it sink into your skin for about five minutes before slapping on a richer cream on top to seal it all in. Trust me, your skin will thank you!

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