Fresh Start Skincare & Laser

What is Micro-Needling? What is a Vampire Facial and PRP?

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a hot topic in beauty. It has become hugely popular among skincare fanatics—Vogue is calling it the next big thing in anti-aging. But there always seems to be a next “big thing”, so why should you pay attention to microneedling? Short answer; because it works.

Microneedling (also known as Collagen Induction Therapy) uses fine needles to create thousands of tiny, invisible puncture wounds on the top layer of skin. These puncture wounds do not go deep enough into the skin to create bleeding, but, these micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural wound healing processes. The body sends fibroblasts to the affected area and this helps increase cell turnover and collagen and elastin production. Skin appears thicker, plumper, and scarring and dark spots are reduced.

 Are there risks? While microneedling helps with acne scarring, it should NEVER be used on active blemishes. The micro-tears can spread bacteria around the face, making breakouts worse. If the skin is inflamed, irritated, experiencing eczema or rosacea, microneedling is not recommended.

You can also reverse sun damage and discoloration, including the hyperpigmentation that comes with melasma. A 2015 study showed microneedling to be a promising treatment for the blotchy, brownish facial pigmentation that comes with this chronic condition. A 2015 study in the International Journal of Dermatology confirms that microneedling is a new way to achieve “skin rejuvenation, tightening, and scar remodeling with minimal side effects and downtime.”

Pour size: Microneedling stimulates collagen in and around your pores, which causes them to plump and appear shrunken, if not closed.

 Scar Improvement – In a 2009 study on the effects of microneedling, nearly 100 percent of acne-scarred participants reported a marked improvement in the visibility of their acne scars. Compared to fractional laser treatments and resolving acne scars, a head-to-head comparison published in the journal Dermatologic Surgery in 2016, found both treatments to be comparable and effective, but gave credit to microneedling for being better tolerated, with fewer side effects and less downtime.

Microneedling offers fairly immediate results.  Microneedling alone, you will look plump, pink and luminous for a couple of weeks. On a short-term basis, it plumps the skin and makes the skin look more radiant from inflammation and very superficial swelling.

But microneedling also promises improvement over time. According to a 2008 study, skin treated with four microneedling sessions spaced one month apart produced up to a 400% increase in collagen and elastin six months after completing treatment.

What is PRP therapy, aka a Vampire Facial

PRP therapy was first developed, used and validated for orthopedic surgery with a body of clinical literature accumulated over more than thirty years. In this treatment, the healing platelets from blood plasma separated from a patient’s own blood are re-injected into the body to enhance healing.

Platelets are tiny blood cells that are important in the clotting process. As the clot is formed, the platelets release enzymes that promote healing and play a role in tissue regeneration by attracting stem cells to aid in the repair of a damaged area.

The same process is used in the Vampire Facial.  The patient’s own blood is drawn, treated, and then the platelet-rich plasma is dripped onto the skin while micro needling is performed.  The procedure encourages skin healing, new collagen production and new skin cells full of human growth factors. This increase in collagen and growth factors create more youthful, plumper, and firmer appearing skin.

Microneedling stimulates Hair Growth…Really it does!

In a recent study, 100 test subjects were divided into two groups; one set was treated with Minoxidil lotion and the other received Minoxidil lotion plus microneedling. After 12 weeks, 82 percent of the microneedling group reported 50 percent improvement versus 4.5 percent of the Minoxidil lotion-only group.


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