Fresh Start Skincare & Laser


Since 2012, we have been leading the way in the Greater Boston Area and the North Shore, helping people remove their tattoos. Fresh Start uses specifically designed lasers that target all ink colors. The Q-switch laser is a multi-wavelength device that safely breaks the ink into microscopic particles. As each layer of ink is removed through a course of repeated treatment sessions, the tattoo gradually fades away. The results are permanent! 

You are going to love the way you look!

Yes, most of the patients succeed in fading their tattoos by over 90%. But you must understand that there are over 300 different tattoo inks being used globally, and the FDA does not regulate any of them. So, it is tough to predict how much a tattoo can be removed without knowing the type of ink used, how deep it was applied, and how much was used.

Technology of the past could be quite painful; however, the new technology of Q-switched lasers has vastly improved the experience. Clients tolerate laser tattoo removal treatments very well and say that the laser treatment feels like being snapped by a rubber band. Some describe the treatment as feeling similar to getting a tattoo, with the advantage of laser tattoo removal being much quicker.

Since everyone has a different tolerance, we make every effort to make the treatment as comfortable as possible. We can provide topical numbing agents (such as lidocaine) to help lessen the discomfort.

“Care should be taken in the first few days following treatment to avoid scrubbing the area, and abrasive skin cleansers should be avoided. The skin site should be left dry for at least 24 hours and treated like sunburned skin. It is important to drink extra water to speed up the flushing of the ink. A bandage or patch may help prevent abrasion of the treated area. Avoid exposing the treated area to the sun, as this may slow down healing. During the course of treatment, it is recommended that patients cover the area with a sunblock of 30 SPF or higher. We space treatments 4-6 weeks apart to allow the body enough time to heal properly and flush the ink out.”

“If you are in good health and do not have a history of keloid scarring, you are likely a good candidate for laser tattoo removal. However, due to the risk of damaging skin pigment, we will not treat tanned skin and will postpone treatment until any suntan has faded.”

Most professionally applied tattoos take from 5 to 15 treatments to remove completely. Homemade tattoos usually take less. If you just want your tattoo lightened for a cover-up, then it will take significantly less treatments (2 to 5 usually). The number of treatments depends on the age of the tattoo, the density of the ink, the type and amount of ink used, color of the ink, the depth of the ink in the skin, the location of the tattoo, and your skin type.

All amateur, professional and multiple tattoo inks are treatable. The effectiveness of the laser is dependent upon the age, location, depth, and type of tattoo, as well as on the density of the pigments.Patients with previously treated tattoos may be candidates for the Candela systems. Tattoos that have not been effectively removed by other treatments may respond well to Candela laser therapy, providing prior treatment did not cause excessive scarring or skin damage.

• Professional tattoos
• Homemade tattoos
• Partial removals
• Cover-up tattoos
• Fades for cover-up preps

The Candela laser is safer than traditional methods because of its unique ability to electively treat the tattoo. It will eliminate the tattoo or pigment while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. The treated area will turn red immediately after the procedure.

There can also be mild swelling or tenderness, crusting, and itching. Statistically, less than one patient in a thousand is at risk for pin-point scarring as a result of this treatment. Lightening (hypopigmentation) or darkening(Hyperpigmentation), of the area are also rare and should resolve in a few months if either occurs.

Tattoo removal is performed by a trained, certified professional. First, the tattoo is cleansed and photographed. The skin’s reaction to the laser is tested during the first visit to determine the most effective treatment. The laser settings are customized for your specific tattoo and maximum effectiveness. The patient is asked to wear eye protection. We guide the laser over the surface of the tattoo, breaking apart the underlying ink.

Laser treatment usually does not take more than a few minutes, depending on the complexity, size and color(s) of the tattoo. With our Q-Switch Laser, a tattoo the size of a quarter takes approximately 1-2 minutes to treat (this could take significantly longer with less advanced laser technology). The degree of discomfort varies with each person, many patients tolerate the removal procedure without topical anesthetic and report the treatment as feeling similar to numerous rubber band snaps. After each laser treatment the skin is cooled, and the area is covered with ointment and a protective dressing.

Prior to your laser tattoo removal treatments, avoid sun-exposure in the treatment area for a minimum of 3-4 weeks prior to treatment. Do not use sunless tanning creams for 7 days prior to treatment, avoid use of tattoo fading creams for 4-6 weeks prior to laser treatment.


Nick Bicep B & A
Nick forearm
Some Only Need a Few Sessions
Before & After
Karen Before
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Karen Before Treatments
Karen Complete
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Karen After Treatments
Before & After
Katie Before
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Katie's Tattoo, Pre Treatments
Katie Complete after 14 treatments
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Katies Tattoo After 14 Treatments
Michala Citro 4.24.13,session2
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Michala's Tattoo After Two Sessions
Michala complete after 10 1.16.14 A
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Michala After 10 Treatments
Richie pre
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Ritchie Pre Treatment
Richie complete after 1 session
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Ritchie Complete After 1 Treatment
David pretreat 8.4.14 (1)
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David Pre Treatment

David after 1 9.26.14 (1)
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David After 1 Session
Before Treatments

Before Treatments

After 1 seaaion
Gina After 2 Sessions
Matt K 11.8.13 after 1 session with US (1)
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Matt After 1 Session
Matt after 5 9.22.14 (1)
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Matt After 5 Sessions
Harry Noyes after session 1, 7.19.2013 (1)
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Harry Before
Harry after 5 4.5.14 (1)
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Harry After 4 Sessions
Jackie PreTreatment 3.7.13
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Jackie Pre-treatment
20160419_143447 (1)
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Jackie After 9 Sessions
Sarah pre 5.16.14
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Sarah Pre-treatment
Sarah after 1 6.20.14
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Sarah After 1 Session
Dan Before
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Image is not available

After 3 Sessions

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Nick Bicep B & A
Nick forearm
Some Only Need a Few Sessions
Before & After
Karen Before
Karen Complete
Before & After
Katie Before
Katie Complete after 14 treatments
Michala Citro 4.24.13,session2
Michala complete after 10 1.16.14 A
Richie pre
Richie complete after 1 session
David pretreat 8.4.14 (1)
David after 1 9.26.14 (1)
Before Treatments
After 1 seaaion
Gina After 2 Sessions
Matt K 11.8.13 after 1 session with US (1)
Matt after 5 9.22.14 (1)
Harry Noyes after session 1, 7.19.2013 (1)
Harry after 5 4.5.14 (1)
Jackie PreTreatment 3.7.13
20160419_143447 (1)
Sarah pre 5.16.14
Sarah after 1 6.20.14
Dan Before
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There are many factors involved in determining the price

  • a person’s skin type
  • how many ink colors
  • the type of ink used
  • how many square inches
  • where it is on the body
  • the person’s overall health

At that time you will be given a cost per treatment and the number of estimated treatments necessary to remove your specific tattoo.

Laser Tattoo Removal Cost Per Treatment

XX Small


.5 in x .5 in approx

X Small


1 in to 3 in approx



4 in to 5 in approx



5 in to 6 in approx



7 in to 9 in approx

X Large



More Information and Videos

 Laser Tattoo Removals in NYC with TriVantage Lasers


Laser Tattoo Removal and Innovations – Articles from Seminars in Plastic Surgery are provided here courtesy of Thieme Medical Publishers. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2007 Aug; 21(3)175-192, Eric F. Bernstein, M.D

About Our Laser

Absolutely. This laser is ideal for tattoo removal, and because of it’s long pulse wavelength, patients of all skin types and   colors can enjoy the benefits it brings.

Anybody area experiencing pigment problems can undergo treatment with the Alex Tri-Vantage. Because the laser optimizes energy delivery, the treatment area can be targeted resulting in optimal outcomes and no damage to the surrounding tissue.

The Alex Tri-Vantage can treat a number of dermatologic conditions, including hyperpigmentation, pigmented lesions, and tattoos.

Yes, this laser is extremely safe. Because of its ability to specifically zone in on the pigment problem or tattoo, there is absolutely no damage done to outside tissue areas.

This greatly depends on the individual and the area that is treated. It’s common to experience some mild discomfort after you’ve undergone the procedure, along with redness. This will dissipate over the course of the next following weeks and after your entire treatment course has come to an end.

A gentle laser, the Alex TriVantage does not cause “hot spots” common with other lasers. This minimizes discomfort and adverse effects while reducing the chance of skin texture changes and risk of tissue damage such as bruising. Lasers for tattoo removal are highly specialized. A tattoo laser is designed specifically to penetrate deeply enough to attack the color particles of the ink, but not so deeply as to create permanent tissue damage or other residual reminders of the tattoo you are trying to remove. The type and quality of the laser determines the time needed for each treatment and how many treatments are needed to complete the process. The Candela system is less painful and requires less recovery time than some other treatment methods. The degree of discomfort varies with each person, depending on his/her pain threshold. Most patients do not require any pain management. The bottom line is that using a high-quality laser offers a more efficient and less-time consuming removal.

Lasers developed specifically for tattoo removal use a technology known as ‘quick-switching’, which refers to the laser’s short, high-energy pulses. The quick-switch (Q-switch) family of lasers come in several different wavelengths. The choice of wavelength will depend on the tattoo’s colors (e.g. 532nm for red ink, 755nm for green/violet, 1064nm for blue/black ink). Q-switched lasers produces extremely short pulses of high-energy light. This light is absorbed strongly by the tiny particles of tattoo pigment, but not very well by the surrounding skin.

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